Friday, June 10, 2011

Link Love

Marie Force wrote an excellent blog on format for ebooks. If you've been confused, this will help. If you still have questions, feel free to post them here or ask Marie. She's very generous with her time.

Michael Gallagher has links to 21 free golf books today on his blog Free Kindle Books & Tips that I read religiously every morning. My husband is going to be so happy with me for downloading them to my Kindle. (No matter how hard I try, I can't get him to activate the Kindle app on his Droid. I guess he knows I'll snag those golf books for him. Good thing a Kindle holds more than 1,000.)

My friend Anne-Marie Novark has a step-by-step format process on her blog.

My resident Google expert Jason Matthews has another book you might be interested in if you're just starting down the indie path: How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks - All for Free.

My friend Suzan Harden is a guest star on a mutual friend's blog. Check out what Suzan has to say at Melissa Ohnoutka's blog Where Love and Danger Collide

Takeaway Truth

That should keep you busy with some good reading today!

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