Saturday, September 24, 2011

Perfect Day

I just got back from a "fly-in" in the Texas Hill Country. About 35 planes and 1 black helicopter arrived from all parts of the state.

Last year we had a Life Flight chopper here that provided a wealth of education about the crew that mans these emergency aircraft. Amazing how tiny the space is for a patient on a stretcher.

We had a great time walking around and chatting up the pilots as we examined their planes. Some were real beauties. I was going to post some pics, but my computer here is a rescue desktop that hasn't got all the drivers restored so it won't read my SD card yet.

Instead, I've posted a picture of the police / fire / air / marine / weather scanner I won. Woo hoo! I have a new toy. You better believe I'll have a character listening to a police scanner in some future story. Of course, if I'd known today was my lucky day, I'd have bought a Lotto ticket. Still, I'm pretty happy with a cool scanner for my 1 dollar ticket purchase.

We had a great lunch of BBQ brisket, cole slaw, ranch beans, and ice tea. (In the South, we don't say iced tea. It's ice tea.) Great lunch, lots of fun, and a door prize to boot! Great company since my husband, our daughter, and daughter's fiance were here to share the day.

Takeaway Truth

Perfect day.

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