Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 Places To List Free Ebooks

Earlier in the week I commented about reading my last Authors Guild Report. Much of the publication struck me as being a diatribe against self-publishing authors -- particularly those who offer their work for free.

One author who wrote in seemed to think that anyone who did this, did so only because no one would pay for the work in question. The "us against them" tone of the publication saddened me. I wholeheartedly support the Authors Guild, and I don't want to think that because I am now part of the self-publishing world that I'm an outcast.

The Why

Of course, traditionally published authors who don't understand why anyone would give away a book, don't realize that this is a marketing ploy to introduce readers to an author who doesn't have a "name" or a legion of fans who will buy his/her books. The rationale is that by giving them a free book as sample that the reader will like the writing and be willing to pay for a different book from the same author.

A lot of authors offer free books, but they bemoan that they don't give away as many copies as they think they should. With that thought in mind, here are 3 websites that will list your free books.

Each week I'll give 3 more on Thursday3Some as I discover them. Some of them are probably on the list Media Bistro linked to, but others are websites that contacted me.

For Readers

Readers, take note. Visit the sites and subscribe to their RSS feed or to their blogs so you can take advantage of free books in the future.

For Writers

Visit the sites. Follow all their rules in order to get your books listed when you make them free.

3 Websites For Free Ebook Promotion

Free eBooks Daily

Use the contact form to make a suggestion, leave a comment, or list your free ebook.

Pixel of Ink

If your book is going to be free on Amazon within the next 30 days, let them know in advance. Use their form. You may find your book featured if time and space permit.

Bargain Ebook Hunter

Use the Contact Form to let them know when your book will be free. They will consider it for a listing that's free if they choose you. All genres EXCEPT erotica.

Takeaway Truth

It pays to advertise -- even when something is free.

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