Monday, July 16, 2012

Battle of the Browsers

I've always used Firefox for my browser, but with the last upgrade they did, I had major problems. I was locked out of some of my apps and links. After some digging around, I discovered a simple solution. The upgrade had changed my View option to Full Screen which locked out the Toolbar and a host of other things.

Since I never use Full Screen, I was stumped as to what to do. I spent a couple of hours browsing help forums and finally figured out the problem. Simple fix, but the time wasted was something I could ill afford to lose.

Easy Solution, But Still In A Snit

Thoroughly disgruntled at Firefox and the whole situation, I rebelled and downloaded Google's Chrome. I had resisted adding another browser, but I thought the time had come to explore my options. For once, I wasn't disappointed.

Chrome seems to move much faster in loading apps than Firefox which has slowed over time. I find Firefox still faster than Internet Explorer which I don't use unless I absolutely must. Interested in Chrome, I decided to do some research and see how a tech analysis would rate it compared to the other browsers.


I found Browser Wars, an article in PC Magazine, was a coherent and easily understandable analysis of the major browsers. I think you'll find the article which compares Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome interesting too. Some of the lesser known browsers are discussed, and a handy comparison chart is given.

Takeaway Truth

We all resist change, but, often, when we bite the bullet and try something new, we find it's an improvement, or, at the very least, another good tool to have at our disposal.

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