Monday, August 6, 2012

Musing About Changes

Good morning! Are you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning? My grandfather always used to say that in the mornings, and it never failed to make me laugh.

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? I can't think of anything that would describe except perhaps a squirrel. The phrase is so weird. Some day, I'll have to research its origin.

In the meantime, here's some news from around the cyber world.

Author Deaths

You probably heard that the literary world lost Gore Vidal and Maeve Binchy last week.

Like most brilliant writers, Mr. Vidal was not an easy person to know according to those who knew him. He challenged everything and everybody in his writing and in his personal life. Like many authors, he made it to an advanced age. He was 86 when he passed.

Ms. Binchy, a newspaper writer who became a best-selling author of women's fiction, always wrote of her native Ireland in books peopled with strong women overcoming adversity. She was a relatively young, by today's standards, 72 when she died in Dublin last week.

What's Monday Without Coffee

In case your morning cup of Joe doesn't contain enough caffeine to jump start your day, try Death Wish Coffee, the world's strongest coffee with 200% more caffeine.

Don't you love the aroma of freshly-brewed coffee? Apparently, Dunkin Donuts, my favorite brand, has come up with a new way to make you want coffee. In South Korea, they're responsible for spraying that coffee aroma on public buses.

South Korea may have coffee fragrance, but Arizona has bikini coffee at the Barista Café, an establishment where you get cleavage with your coffee.

Changes At SlingWords: Accepting Ads

Menu Bar: Top of the Page --New Tabs
Beginning August 15, SlingWords will host advertising limited to 3 paid SPOTLIGHT ads to appear in the right sidebar. Click the Advertise on SlingWords link here or at the top of the page for more info. Presently, there are 2 ads already in place.
Audio clips, cover art, and descriptions for my audio books will appear on this page. Since my books are being turned into audio books, I'll also start blogging about the audio book industry occasionally.
On this page, you'll find a complete listing of my published ebooks along with excerpts, cover art, book description, and buy links.
This is my little cyber boutique where you'll find promotional items and gifts designed for writers -- T-shirts, coffee mugs, bags, and more.

Changes At SlingWords: Far Right Sidebar

I've added new pages to the blog.

Home -- Main Page

Editorial Policy -- Explains the editorial content and advertising policy of SlingWords.

FAQ -- Answers to the questions I often receive.

Free For My Peeps -- Yes, I know the word Peeps is passe, but it's such a cute word so I still use it! Color me uncool. This has links to my free books, stories, and articles just for you.

Indie Resources -- Directory of artists, editors, format specialists, and full service operations for indie authors

Link Resources -- Lists of links for writers and readers.

Recipes: Characters Cook -- How to cook like the characters in my books.

Contact Joan -- Need information or the answer to a question? Click this page.

Changes At SlingWords: Near Right Sidebar
  • Something To Talk About -- Categories of all blog posts.
  • Amazon Search Box
  • Buy Me A Cup of Coffee
  • 99cent Books blog -- Click to find quality ebooks priced at 99 cents.
  • Indie Reader Top 10 list -- Click to see what's hot this week.
  • Subscription Links -- Writing Hacks for Writers, Wordplay for Readers, Subscribe to Sling Words by Email or RSS.
Takeaway Truth

Happy Monday! 

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