Saturday, September 29, 2012

Review: Cake Pops

Ah, the weekend is here. Let's review a book and have fun baking the subject of the book. That's right.Today, I'm reviewing a little book I grabbed several weeks ago: Cake Pops: Recipes & Tips for Perfect Cake Pops.

As is my custom when I review ebooks, I give the Kindle Buy Link because I read most books on my Kindle. However, I'm certain every book I review is available at most ebook sellers so look for them on the platforms that match your ebook reading device. (Want your own Kindle? Click here.)

Cake Pop: The Cutest Dessert

I love cake. I love cake pops! When our newest son-in-law was courting our daughter, he gave her a dozen of the most beautiful cake pops instead of chocolates for Valentine's Day. Smart guy! Anyone can give chocolates, but cake pops? Ah, those are special.

Indeed those from a local bakery were melt-in-your-mouth, knee-weakening delicious. You've heard blow in my ear, and I'll follow you anywhere? Forget that! Give me a chocolate-drizzled butter-cake pop, and I'm yours.

When I saw a cake pop pan next to the check-out lane at the supermarket, I grabbed one. I've since seen them at Walmart, Ross's, Home Goods, and other places. Months passed. Then I saw an email alert about a bargain-priced cake pop cookbook so I quickly bought it. Yep, that's the one I'm reviewing.


This little book gives 3 basic recipes and step by step instructions. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced baker, you too can make cake pops following these directions. The directions are clear and easy to understand.

There's a recipe using a cake mix and also recipes from scratch. How to frost the cake pop is also covered.

Even if you're not a baker, you can learn to do this.

Takeaway Truth

What are you waiting for? Get in the kitchen and start making cake pops.

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