Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Just One Look Or Un Seul Regard

There's been so much going on that I haven't been able to keep up with my latest audio books going live or the French editions of my ebooks becoming available.

Here's a quick recap:

Just One Look was published in France by Bragelonne Milady as Un seul regard. The paperback, or Broché edition, came out last month and can be found on Amazon France. It's also available on Kobo France and other French language booksellers.

The last time I looked, it was n°96 dans Livres > Littérature sentimentale.

The Kindle edition of Un seul regard came out last week and was n°2 dans Boutique Kindle > Ebooks Kindle > Littérature sentimentale then.

Takeaway Truth

Nothing beats the excitement of seeing a new edition of one of my books.

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