Saturday, December 8, 2012

Review: Classic Westerns, 26 Zane Grey Noels

When I was 13 and haunting the public library one summer, I discovered Zane Grey western novels. The very first one I read was East of the Pecos, and it thrilled me. It had action and adventure, horses which I loved, and told of an Old West where men were men and women were glad of it. The novels had a strong romance subplot -- at least strong according to my newly-minted teen-hood.

That one book had me scouring the section where his books were shelved. I can't remember how many I read. Each thrilled me as much as that first one.

When I bought my Kindle a couple of years ago, I spent days scrolling through the lists of free books and low-priced ebooks. Imagine my delight when I came across this little gem, Classic Westerns, 26 Zane Grey Novels with Active Table of Contents, a collection of 26 of Zane Grey's most popular novels and with a Linked Table of Contents. I grabbed it, and started reading.

I have to admit that I was totally surprised that the stories still captivated me. I'd thought I might find them as stale as an episode of Gunsmoke on TV Land. Not at all. The stories are still compelling plus I love the American West history in each.

After I'd read the first book in this collection, I visited the Texas Ranger Museum in Waco, Texas. Walking through the museum, I realized how accurate were Grey's portrayals of the men who brought law to Texas and to the history of nineteenth century America.

Takeaway Truth

This collection is wonderful, and it's worth far more than the modest price. The books are delightful in every way and make one understand why the western, the only true American art form, was so popular in television and movies for so long.

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