Thursday, January 12, 2012

2 Days Offline

I'm forced offline for at least 2 days. Yesterday, I cut my finger (on my previously injured right hand) so I again spent time in the ER because it would not stop bleeding. You see my right hand is still weak and a bit clumsy which explains the cut I guess.

Bottom line? I shouldn't try to act like a chef at Benihana just yet. Lesson learned.

I typed this with my left hand only. How challenging and exhausting. I'm not supposed to use my right at all for 2 days lest it start bleeding again.

Lousy way to start new year--especially for a writer.

If you have emailed me, Ill answer if I can. If you don't hear from me, be patient. I'll get back to you.

Takeaway Truth

Sometimes you must listen to the doctor especially when your darling husband threatens to take all the computers to the office with him if you don't promise.

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