How come it's so much work when one of your kids plans to marry?
We've been working on this wedding and merger of our darling daughter's life and her darling young man's life since last July when he proposed.
Pardon My French
The wedding is not until March, but that doesn't mean we have idle time between now and March. Au contraire, mes ami! (Pardon the French, but I'm practicing in case they ask me to come to Paris for the launch of my books. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?)
Actually, I had an email Friday from my Editor's Assistant who had just finished reading the French translation of JANE (I'm Still Single) JONES. He was nice enough to say he really enjoyed it.
Weddings Are Work
Back to my wedding-is-so-much-work theme. This weekend we are in our Texas Hill Country home, packing all her stuff that is stored here in order to truck it home, store it in the garage there until next weekend when movers come to pick it up.
In fact, I think every weekend from now until the wedding is scheduled for wedding "stuff" so I'm just going to roll with it. Why I scheduled writing and assorted tasks for this time period just shows my incredible naivete, right?
Admittedly, today she and her beloved are doing 99% of the packing work, but I'm exhausted just watching them.
Next week the movers arrive to load everything into a big truck and take it to their new town home, but I'm off the hook there too. I'm speaking at the West Houston Romance Writers of America Chapter meeting. I didn't plan it that way, but that's how it worked out.
Takeaway Truth
Moving is never easy. Combining two households is never easy. But the end result will be, as they say, priceless.
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