Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Just One Look

I'm preoccupied with final proofs of my next romantic comedy Kiss On My List. I hope to have it uploaded by the end of this month.

However, I wanted to take a moment to comment on concluding my first year as an indie author. One year ago yesterday, I uploaded first ebook file to Amazon's Kindle publishing program. Two days later, it was live and started selling.

I had planned to add up all the sales of this book so I could post that stat as a way to show how empowering being an indie author can be. Trying to catch up on everything that fell through the cracks during the weeks leading up to the wedding didn't allow for that yet.

When I get this next book uploaded and get my income tax filed, I will post about those sales for Just One Look. I think they're in the neighborhood of 100,000 for that book, but that's just a guess. So check back next week when I'll report back on the book that started my indie revolution.

For the first time ever, an author has a convenient and affordable way to get her work in front of readers.

Takeaway Truth

Nothing ventured; nothing gained. Sometimes by venturing a little into the unknown, one may gain rewards that are stunning.

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