Monday, May 21, 2012

Lone Star Writing Conference & Contest

My friends at Northwest Houston Chapter of Romance Writers of America wanted me to remind you about their annual Lone Star Conference and Writing Competition.

This year, the 20TH Annual LONE STAR Conference is slated for October 13 and features James Scott Bell as keynote speaker. Bell's topic is Plot and Structure.

Conference Information

Editors and Agents

Chris Keeslar, Editor-in-Chief, Burroughs Publishing

Liz Pelletier, Entangled Publishing

Agent: Elaine Spencer, The Knight Agency

Location: Houston Marriott North at Greenspoint

Date/Time: October 13, 2012 from 9 am to 5 pm. Registration and breakfast are 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

Cost: $130

Lone Star Writing Competition

As a part of the conference, the prestigious Lone Star Writing Competition is held each year. That contest for unpublished authors is now open. Clicking the link above will take you to the entry form.

Contest Information

Fee: $25.00 ($20.00 for NWH members).

Payments accepted through Paypal.

Early bird entry: $5 discount on all entries submitted by midnight May 26, 2012.


Contemporary Series Romance

Single Title Historical or Regency Romance

Romantic Suspense or Romantic Intrigue

Fantasy, Futuristic, Paranormal

Inspirational Romance

Young Adult Romance

Deadline: Midnight CST June 9, 2012

First 150 entries are guaranteed admission. Additional entries accepted subject to judge availability.

Takeaway Truth

The Lone Star Conference is one of the best around. Take advantage of the chance to meet editors, agents, and authors published traditionally and as indies. Writers who win and place in the contest often end up with book contracts so don't hesitate to enter.

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