Saturday, May 19, 2012

Review: Sector C by Phoenix Sullivan

I've set a goal to read more since my TBR stack in print and digital threatens to overwhelm me.

One of the ebooks I read this week on my Kindle was SECTOR C by Phoenix Sullivan.

Sector C opens with an intriguing premise. As with many books, I wish the premise and plot surprises weren't revealed in the book's Product Description. I'd love it if authors could learn the skills of publishing company copywriters so that they could intrigue and hook readers without revealing so much. Readers love to be surprised. We love it when we can say, "Wow. I didn't see that coming."

According to the author's biography on Amazon, Ms. Sullivan was once a registered veterinary technician. Her interest in and obvious love of animals shines through this story and gives resonance to the heroine Dr. Donna Bailey.

Sector C is a good science fiction thriller. Good characters, especially the heroine veterinarian and the CDC investigator, solid storytelling skills, and curiosity about how they're going to save the world will keep you turning the virtual pages.

From the initial hook to the end, the story holds together. Sure, there are a few rough spots, but nothing that will make you regret buying this book. All in all, this was an enjoyable read that will make you look for the author's other books. I know I'll be getting her next book that plays with a similar premise.

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Takeaway Truth

Reading is one of the best, and least expensive, forms of entertainment. Read a book today.

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