Thursday, July 7, 2011

Joan Speaks: A Blog Interview

Jason Matthews, my Google guru, interviewed me today on his blog How To Make, Market and Sell Ebooks.

I took off early this morning and just got home so I wanted to tell you about Jason's interview immediately so you could take a peek. He asked some thought-provoking questions that I really had to think about.

I've been so busy running around with my daughter who is home, between semesters of grad school, and who just got engaged. She and her fiance want a wedding next year during spring break so we're trying to line up everything this week.

As we have already found out, next spring break is an extremely popular time for teachers to get married. Some of the wedding vendors on our list are already contracted so we're waiting on callbacks for reception venues at the moment.

So we are both a bit overwhelmed and feeling frantic. She leaves again this weekend, but we did get the dress bought, the church booked, the flowers ordered, the photographer and DJ arranged. Now, we're working on the reception which I hope will be a turn key project because I already know I don't want to a la carte this and have to deal with so many different wedding vendors!

I already have an idea for a new book from all this so no worries. All is good. Please visit Jason's blog and check out my interview. He put so much effort into it. (Thanks again, Jason!)

Takeaway Truth

Sometimes real life intrudes into the writing life, but the stories generated by the conflict are worth the interruption.

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