Friday, July 15, 2011

UK Ebook Sales

To my surprise, I've begun to sell quite well in the UK, and so have my BWFs (best writing friends). Therefore, I wasn't surprised by the recent Publishers Association report that revealed about UK ebook growth in 2010 was "staggering."

Stunning Stats

Across all categories, ebook sales across the pond grew by more than 300% over 2009 levels. That's $26 million in dollars or over 16 million in GBP. By end of December 2010, ebooks had captured 6% of the market.

Both adult fiction and nonfiction grew by 300%, but children's and YA grew even more--by over 500%!

These statistics don't include what The Publishers Association calls "consumer reference" digital sales, i.e., dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.).

Takeaway Truth

Digital publishing gives the non-NYT bestselling author a shot at reaching international audiences.

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