Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Romeo and Judy Anne

I am completely exhausted. However, I achieved my goal of getting my 6th ebook uploaded today, on my 4 month anniversary of being an Indie Author.

Romeo and Judy Anne, Book 2 of Texas One Night Stands, should be live on or before Wednesday.

Tomorrow, I'll have my nose back to the grindstone, uploading a new cover for The Trouble With Love, which will match the one for Romeo in style and colors, and working on my next ebook Old Enough To Know Better. I'll also get the next segment of Ebook Success: Categories ready to publish this week.

Tonight though. I'm celebrating. If you were here, I'd pour you a glass of bubbly. What, you may well ask, am I celebrating? Let me count the ways.


1. 4 months of being an Indie Author

2. 6 ebooks published though 1 isn't live yet (5 fiction and 1 nonfiction)

3. Hitting the Kindle Top 100 Paid list with my 4 novels

4. Having all 4 books firmly entrenched on the Contemporary Romance Bestsellers lists

5. Having my nonfiction book Written Wisdom be #64 in Reference / Quotations

6. Selling more than 91,000 ebooks just on Kindle U.S. in 4 months

7. Having more fun with my writing than ever!

Takeaway Truth

Celebrate your victories, however large or small, because they make it possible to withstand the slings and arrows of this business.

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