Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Double Occupancy by Elaine Raco Chase

Every romance novel needs an appealing heroine and hero. Elaine Chase is a master at creating strong, independent women.

In Double Occupancy, she does an about face and creates a heroine who is as vulnerable as she is intelligent. The hero of this romance is more than willing to take on her vulnerabilities.

In fact, I'll be so bold as to say that he is the star of this contemporary romance in that he is the kind of man every woman wants. Travis is gorgeous, hot, sensitive, intelligent, and intensely attracted to the heroine.

The author skillfully weaves a romance that shows the growth of a relationship from desire to love. Casey and Travis are made for each other, but it takes Casey a while to accept that, and her journey is one you'll enjoy as it's revealed.

I've got to say a word about the setting of this book which is the beautiful Mexican Riviera. It's so well drawn that it's an integral part of this romance. I've been to that part of Mexico, and reading this book made me want to return. Ms. Chase describes the friendly people, the lush landscape, and the beautiful Pacific just as I remember it. I find myself longing for a sun-drenched villa, a chaise, a pitcher of sangria, and a table piled high with books--or my Kindle stocked with many delightful romances.

Takeaway Truth

Every beach needs a good book. Readers, you won't go wrong with this one.

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