Wednesday, August 17, 2011

SlingWords Open For Biz

Hello! Thank you to all who offered prayers and good wishes for my family in my youngest's latest medical emergency. We're all home and trying to get back to "normal," whatever that may be.

I think I'm a permanent citizen of Back Space--that overwhelming world where one is always playing that good old American game known as Catch-up. Between a failed computer and medical emergencies, this has been a challenging summer.

Email Me Please

I still don't have my Address Book loaded on this new computer. Therefore, if you have ever emailed me in the past, please email me sometime this week so I can harvest your email addy for my new PC Address Book.

If I had promised to Guest Blog for you, or to have you Guest Blog on SlingWords, please check in with me. With all my email correspondence, calendar, and addresses locked up on a backup drive that's at the repair shop, I probably don't have what we'd agreed to written down. Please email me and remind me.

Things To Come

Tomorrow, I hope to have the Ebook Success segment on Pricing published. I know many of you are looking for my thoughts on this all-important aspect of selling ebooks.

Takeaway Truth

Too often, real life creates havoc in a writer's life.

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