Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do Holiday Titles Limit Sales?

Does titling your book with a word indicating Christmas or holiday, etc., limit its sales to Christmas? My latest book Nobody's Cinderella is set at Christmas and even has a Santa element.

That's all I'll say about that because it's up to the reader as to how to interpret that element. When I titled it though, I started thinking about the whole "Christmas book only sells at Christmas theory."

I wanted to title the romantic comedy Christmas Cinderella, but I figured after December no one would buy it.

A friend suggested I just publish it again in January with a new title, but I don't want to anger readers who might buy each without reading the Product Description, only to discover that they had already read the book.

So I erred on the side of conservatism, and named it Nobody's Cinderella. I thought I'd throw the question out there for anyone who wants to weigh in.

Takeaway Truth

Please comment if you have an opinion, educated guess, or any kind of answer based on experience with similar type books.

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