Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stephanie Queen aka Glam Romance Writer

Due to a snafu, my Guest Star on Wednesday was delayed until today. So please welcome Stephanie Queen who lives the glamorous life of a romance writer by day. By night, she, well, she sleeps.

You can find Stephanie on Facebook. On Twitter, she's @StephanieQueen.

When not wasting time on Google, I mean doing valuable research, I write romantic comedy mystery novels, like my latest release, The Throwbacks.

Here's Stephanie Queen

More Glamour from the Life of a Romance Writer By Stephanie Queen

No, this isn’t about Fabio or lounging on a pink velvet divan. It’s all about the attitude. Okay, and a little about the look.

In fact, to find out about the look, I did a scientific, almost unglamorous study on Google Pics. I looked at hundreds of pictures all about glamour and turned up some interesting tidbits on what it takes. I won’t say you don’t have to be a romance writer, but you do have to be a fan of romance to carry it off. (Yes, this is what I do all day when I’m supposed to be writing romance novels.)

Note: All glamorous people according to my Google Pics study are female. And they are all very, very romantically inclined.

The Five Main Ingredients of Glamour

According to my study, these are the 5 main ingredients for glamour.


This was the number one thing. The color pink. Make anything pink and it’s automatically glamorous. I’m going to buy my pink toilet paper later.


It doesn’t have to be diamonds, it just needs to sparkle. The more the better. Glitter on anything. Once again, the toilet paper…oh. Maybe not. Ouch.

High Heels, Short Skirt, Long Legs

I’ve got the high heels and short skirt down. They’re pink and/or glittery. But I may need to rely on illusion for the long legs. Or maybe distraction will work?

Red Pouty Lips

Very tricky to do and avoid looking like a clown. But maybe that’s just me. Either way, a good distraction away from the not-so-long legs.


Lots of it! Either long and flowing, or curled and bouncing . It must be covering large portions of your face. Good, maybe I can have my hair covering up my clown lips.

Here is an illustration of the Glamour Look. Note that Kitty is Pink and Female. She could use more glitter, though.

Joan Says:

Although your Kitty Graphic doesn't have high heels, a short skirt, and pouty lips, she definitely has long flowing hair and long legs!

Takeaway Truth

Thanks, Stephanie, for this explanation of glamour--just in time for New Year's Eve. Now where did I put those packets of fake jewels from Hobby Lobby?

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