Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Get Acquainted With KindleRomanceNovels

If you own a Kindle, chances are you've already found your way to Kindle Romance Novels. I know hardly a day passes that I don't check out the website to see what's new.

Donna Fasano is the guiding force behind this website that brings good books--at a good price--to the attention of readers. Perhaps you know Donna from some of her wonderful romance novels like Return of the Runaway Bride which I'm reading now. (I'll post a review this weekend. Excellent book by the way.)

Donna dropped by this morning to tell us more about her website so please welcome her.

Getting To Know Kindle Romance Novels Website
by Donna Fasano

Are you a romance author looking for a place to promote your work?

Are you a Kindle-owning romance reader in search of good, inexpensive novels?

If you answered yes to either one of these questions…have I got a blog for you!

Kindle Romance Novels is a brand new blog that features inexpensive (sounds so much better than 'cheap' ) romance e-books that have been vetted with a few good reviews. You'll find a wide variety of genres featured on the blog: contemporary, sci-fi, paranormal, historical, western, vampire, fantasy, the list goes on and on. The one thing these books have in common is ROMANCE.

At the moment, we host a morning feature that posts at 7 AM (EST) and a late afternoon feature that posts at 5 PM (EST). But as the blog grows, we may increase the features to three a day.

Boost Rankings

Authors have commented that their Amazon sales ranking improved after being featured on the blog, so readers are noticing (and buying books). And the great comments readers are leaving on the posts are proof that they're enjoying the site as well. The blog is growing fast.

So if you're an author, skip on over to and submit your book.

If you're a romance reader, consider signing up to follow the blog via e-mail so each delicious post will be delivered directly to your mailbox.

We also have a 'sister' page on FaceBook: that we would love for you to follow. And there's a Twitter account too:

See you on the internet!

Takeaway Truth

If you're a romance reader looking for a website with some "accredited good reads," be sure to check out Kindle Romance Novels

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