Sunday, April 1, 2012

Newsflash: Me + A Reader = Interview

At the risk of appearing egocentric, I wanted to direct you to an interview on RG2E I did that was published today.

This interview was conducted by the lovely and talented Alicia Street. Personally, I think she did a great job, but then I might be biased because I like Alicia. She has such a great personality and attitude.

I loved the format of the interview because I was asked to submit a reader's name to participate in the interview with me. I chose Kaye Bennett, one of my enthusiastic readers who has emailed me several times this last year.

Kaye and I fielded questions from Alicia then Kaye asked me some questions of her own, and I asked Kaye some questions from my inquiring mind. I hope you'll read the interview and enjoy it.

Takeaway Truth

Interviews can make a writer nervous, but sometimes they can also be great fun.

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