Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bride's Night Out

Last night was my daughter's bachelorette party. We were the rather loud bunch at Vincent's Italian Kitchen, one of my favorite Houston restaurants.

The bride's "to do" list, i.e., kiss a bald man on his head, obtain a stranger's boxers, and other, ahem, intriguing tasks, were great fodder for a romance novelist like me!

We--the lively bunch of friends and family (all female of course)--laughed like we'd never heard jokes before, swapped stories and a few lies, and generally ate too much. In short, we had a great time.

Ah, parties. I love parties. They always remind me of this tee shirt slogan from my youth: "Live for today; plan for tomorrow; party tonight!"

Takeaway Truth

Hear no evil, speak no evil--and you'll never be invited to a party. Only 2 weeks to the biggest party of all. The wedding!

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