Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Personalized URL for Amazon Author Page

If you are an indie author publishing with Amazon, here's how to get your Amazon Author page URL with your name, not just a string of letters and numbers.

(This article previously appeared on Writing Hacks, my subscription newsletter for writers. Subscribe today if you'd like articles like this as soon as they are published.)

1. Read all the steps first--very important.

2. Sign into Author Central.

3. Click the Profile tab

4. When that opens, look to the right where your picture appears. Above your picture is a hot link that says ADD LINK.

5. Click add link.

6. A small window will open showing the suggested link. If it's not what you want, you can change it BUT whatever you put in can not be changed again so make sure you know what you want in case the one suggested by Amazon isn't your name and your name is not available. Be prepared. Make a short list of all the variations you might use for your name.

That's all there is to it! You'll get an email from Amazon showing the new URL. Actually, the original URL is still it, the new URL just re-directs to the original. With a personalized URL, it's easier to use it on promotion materials and to give out to readers.

Example: my Amazon URL was -- http://www.amazon.com/Joan-Reeves/e/B001K8CIEW

Now, it's -- https://www.amazon.com/author/joanreeves

Takeaway Truth

Always try to get your author pages branded with your name.

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