Saturday, February 11, 2012

Resources for Writers

Ah, the weekend is here. Time to relax, and also time to learn some tricks and tools of the writing trade. Here are a few freebies to help you.

My friend Joel Friedlander has a free 24-page book. Just click, fill in the form with your email addy, and 10 Things You Need to Know About Self-Publishing will be delivered asap.

Kindle has a number of free books on writing and publishing. I haven't read these, but they look promising and have recent copyrights so, if the author knows the business, they should be worthwhile. Plus, they're free so you're not out any money if they don't pan out.

Go Publish Yourself! by Katie Salidas.

Smashwords Style Guide by Smashwords CEO Mark Coker is the most recent edition of the bible for Smashwords formatting. This is the Kindle link, but of course you can also get it from the Smashwords website

Write Good or Die, edited by Scott Nicholson, includes tips from best-selling authors.

Pimp Yourself by erotica author Tymber Dalton was just published. It's free so you might check it out if the whole self-promotion thing leaves you shaking with anxiety.

100 Websites for Fiction Authors by Ty Johnston is for beginning fiction writers looking for places to publish their writing gratis and paid.

Kindle Links to Top 100

Here are links to the Kindle store bestseller lists, Paid and Free, for books on writing and publishing. Peruse the list. You may find several books that will help you.

Top 100: Publishing and Books

Top 100: Words & Language Reference

Top 100: Editing Writing Reference

Top 100: Writing Skill Reference

Takeaway Truth

Never stop learning. That's one of the keys of success in any career.

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