Monday, February 13, 2012

Find Your Book's Rank on iTunes

Do you know how to find your book's rank on iTunes? It's not especially user-friendly or an easy process. I really hate when you have to click so many things to get the information you want, but that describes this process.

(This article previously appeared on Writing Hacks, my subscription newsletter for writers. Subscribe today if you'd like articles like this as soon as they are published.)

Here are step by step instructions for obtaining the rank of iTunes book bestsellers.

1. If you don't have iTunes software on your computer, download it now. It's free.

2. Get it up and running.

3. From the menu bar on top click Books.

4. On the right sidebar of the iTunes page you'll see Books. The first section is Books Quick Links. Click All Categories. I'll be using the Romance Category for illustration purposes. The process is the same for any category. From the drop-down menu that opens, click Romance.

5. When the Romance Category opens, scroll down to the third listing in the right sidebar, Top Charts. The words next to that say See All--Paid. Click See All-Paid, and the Top 200 Paid books in Romance displays. This Top 200 is the bestselling romances whether historical or contemporary. Most of these books are publisher books. However, some of the books are from indies.

6. If your book doesn't appear in the top 200 of All Romance, then you want to look into various niche categories based upon the category you selected for the book. Use the navigation arrow buttons in upper left of the iTunes page (They're on that black bar and kind of small and easy to miss) to go back to the previous page. Once there, scroll down, looking on right sidebar for More Romance. Click Cntemporary, then, scroll up to Top Charts / See All--Paid and click that. The Top 200 of Contemporary Romances on the Paid list opens.

7. Repeat this general process to view the Bestsellers in all categories. To find the link for your book once you locate it, just right click and Copy Link.

Takeaway Truth

Once you use this a few times, it won't seem so complicated.

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