Monday, October 10, 2011

EZ App: Menu Uninstall

Here's an app that's going to make your life much easier. Menu Uninstall by LeizerSoftware.

When you find that you have a program on your computer that you just don't need, do you immediately click on the Control Panel and Uninstall it? Nope? Me either.

Uninstalling takes time, and I'm always noting things on the fly with good intentions to come back and take care of the task. Unfortunately, that never seems to happen. Most of us never set aside a block of time for tech maintenance even though we should.

Cluttered Hard Drive

I download a lot of apps to try before I recommend them to you. This can result in programs I didn't like and won't use and, therefore, won't recommend. Today, I downloaded from the Google site an app that will help me clean all that mess up.

With Menu Uninstall, you don't have to go to the control panel. Once you install this app, it adds a selection to the right-click context menu. It's also faster than the Windows Uninstaller. You just right-click the program's desktop icon or the Start Menu icon. Then click Uninstall. The program's uninstaller will run automatically.

Visit the website and you can see screenshots of the process along with reviews and awards this software has won.

Takeaway Truth

Quick, easy, and free. What's not to love?

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