Thursday, October 20, 2011

Note on Story Maps by Daniel Calvisi

I wanted to add something about Story Maps by Daniel Calvisi, the book I reviewed over the weekend.

Someone raised this point so I thought I would clarify. Please don't think the book is composed only of structural templates. It's not, and I don't want anyone to not buy the book because they have that expectation.

Story Maps gives you excerpts from actual screenplays, showing you the format and language on the page in use by pro screenwriters.

Tone, voice on the page, word choice, strong and active verbs, etc., as shown in excerpts from such screenplays as Juno, As Good As It Gets, Saving Private Ryan and even a sample scene that adapts the opening paragraph of Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep to screenplay format.

Takeaway Truth

Excellent resource for your writer's library.

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