Saturday, October 1, 2011

Stieg Larsson Film Fest

I should have been writing today because I'm behind, but all work and no play makes Joan a dull girl.

Instead of writing, I've been having a mini-film festival courtesy of NetFlix which has the 3 Swedish movies made from Stieg Larson's Millennium books.

I started with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, second up was The Girl Who Played With Fire, and now we're on the last one The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.

All I can say is Noomi Rapace, the actress who portrayed Lisbeth Salander deserved an Oscar or whatever Sweden's version of that top acting award may be for portraying this character in three gripping, brutal films.

Takeaway Truth

Good movies give escape and provide needed recreation for the imagination.

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