Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Free Love & Giveaway

I stayed up way too late last night watching Game 6 of the World Series so I'm tired today and feeling as if I'm slogging through Cajun Country marshland. Probably got gators and crocs in the marsh too.

"Look at those snappers!"

First person to respond in Comments with the source of that quotation wins an Amazon Gift Card for one of my books.

Friday Free Love

First up is Joel Friedlander's blog The Book Designer where you'll find me today talking about my journey from print published to digital. (Beware the giant legs! Somehow, about an hour ago, the graphic that's part of my book cover for Just One Look seized center stage. *LOL* Don't know if Joel did that or some Net gremlin. Looks pretty funny.

Next is a site you'll want to bookmark. If you're an indie author, you want to be seen in as many places as possible. Grace, a reader who loves books, has a lovely project called Book Junkies Library that does just that. Get listed today.

Evan Lewis has a Forgotten Books post: Dead Dolls Don't Talk over on Davy Crocket's Almanac. I love those blast from the past book posts.

Just in time for Halloween, Suzan Harden of Wild and Wacky has Ghost Stories by Teri Thackston.

Derek Canyon of Adventures in Epublishing wrote My First Year As A Self-Publisher. Derek wrote a great book Format Your eBook for Kindle in One Hour. That's what I use every time I publish a book for Kindle.

Brenda Hiatt (Guest Starring on SlingWords in December) has updated her famous Show Me The Money report that gives real dollar amounts for publishers' advances and earn-outs. Now, she's collecting Indie Author data. Visit her website and take part in this ground-breaking statistical research.

Takeaway Truth

Read, study, learn. Do The Work.

P. S. If you haven't read Steven Pressfield's book Do the Work you need to remedy that. It's my #1 tip for today.

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