Saturday, October 8, 2011

Review: Apocalypse Babes by Bella Street

The Z Word is Book 1 of Apocalypse Babes by Bella Street.

Want a good example of the importance of a good title or a series title? This is it. Bella Street created one of the best series titles I've seen in a while when she dubbed her 6 book series Apocalypse Babes.

I bought the first book, The Z Word, simply because of the series title. I figured any author witty enough to label a series with that moniker had to be an equally clever writer. I'm happy to say I was correct.

Book Specs

Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 456 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Firefly Press (June 3, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Average Customer Review: 10 Customer Reviews, average 4.2 stars.
Price: $.99, but currently Free.

My Take

Take 3 valley girls and their longtime guy friend that 2 of the 3 are crushing on, toss them into a worm hole and send them back to a world without cell phones, the Internet, Starbucks, and satellite TV, and you have the clever premise of The Z Word. Yes, Z for zombies, but how the zombies were created is one of the many twists offered in this mixed genre novel.

Part science fiction, part romance, part mystery, part fantasy, The Z Word is all entertainment. From the out-of-the-box zombies to the creepy mind control, heroine Seffy Carter grows from vacuous airhead with a serious case of denial to savvy survivor unwilling to drink the KoolAid.

If you were alive in the 1980's--whether you rocked the decade or you were a baby being rocked in a cradle--you'll love the song references and cultural allusions. Though one might think this book is for young adults since they are the protagonists, that's not the case. This will keep you turning the pages late into the night. Warning: if you finish at 2 AM, you might find yourself visiting the Kindle Store for Book 2: The X Factor.

The best thing about this series is that the heroine Seffy grows--in all ways. In the beginning, you feel like slapping her and telling her to grow up and quit whining. By the end of the book, you're rooting for her because she's changed. When you get to the second book, you're totally in her corner, and you're wishing she'd see that Trent is not just a babe, but a babe who loves her--just as she is. And that's priceless.

Well done, Ms. Street!

Other titles

I understand the author has 2 other books in the series to publish. For now, the series consists of these titles:

Book 1: The Z Word
Book 2: The X Factor
Book 3: iRobotronic
Book 4: Kumbaya Much

Takeaway Truth

If you like books that are different--books that can't be easily pigeon-holed--this series is for you.

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