Friday, October 21, 2011

Rounding Up Random News

I'm late blogging today. I decided to stay up at my house in the Hill Country until I finish writing this book so I had to pack all my writing "stuff" to take with me this weekend.

Fortunately, I have internet up here although it's the slowest high-speed internet I've ever seen. So I'll be hanging on the net too. Now, let's get to some link love and news roundup.

Website Updated

Finally, after 6 months, I updated my website. The last time that happened was shortly after I'd published my first 2 ebooks. Then life got really crazy, really fast. Every spare minute of my life was commandeered by writing, dealing with a lot of interest from a lot of people because my books were flying off the cyber shelves, and trying to have a life.

That's a long way of saying that my my website is open for visitors. I still have a few things to update on my book page, but I'll get that done this week. I've activated my subscription newsletter Wordplay, and refocused it to readers only. So feel free to sign up for it. Wordplay will be mailed once a month.

Link Love

Michael Gallagher's Free Kindle Books & Tips had a great article about how to get some extra book bucks. Must reading.

Peg Herring blogged about Like An Author? Help Her Out with some easy tips for readers to do when they like an author's work.

Anne-Marie Novark wrote about The Ebook Revolution: Changing Times.

Robin Sullivan published the latest part of her series about using Goodreads. Must reading.

That's about it SlingWordians. I'm off to catch some Z's. Tomorrow is going to be busy and super fun. We're headed to the Mushroom Festival in Madisonville, Texas. If you're anywhere nearby, join us and the few thousand other people who will be sampling grilled mushrooms and drinking wine from the dozens of Texas wineries at the festival. Sounds like a good time.

Takeaway Truth

Mix pleasure with business and have fun with both.

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